Friday, June 16, 2017

Turning Down the Hatred...

Turning Down the Hatred...

Republicans won't admit it and Democrats won't be so brazen, but the threat of violence against Congressional leaders is an alarming prospect. Consider, the millions of people that the Republican Congress has infuriated with its political sabotage of the US economy.
Politics is not a good place to sow bitterness, and that is exactly what the Right has done. Consider yesterday, Steve -the strangest man in politics- King blamed President Obama for the shootings on the ball field. King claims Obama divided us-- well, yes-- Obama divided the poor and needy from the rich and greedy and pioneered universal healthcare--- that is a blame I or any other compassionate human would accept.

This is the time to turn down the hatred. Even if they don't believe in it, the Right would be dearly advised to find some causes that favor people rather corporate donors. Like - well creating some jobs to build stuff we need like better dams and waterways to handle climate change, or some retraining that adds computer science to the resumes of former factory workers.

Heck, lets be reckless, we should  even do some training in democracy, voting, critical thinking-- you see there are consequences to pouring mean lies and half truths into the public cauldron-- sometimes that stuff boils over!!!...hdm

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