Monday, November 23, 2009


As we get ready now for the real healthcare bill, we find the economy still held captive by an enemy, the same force that has gathered to oppose healthcare legislation.  It is an insidious force pretending with the coyness of the Devil that it does not exist.  But yes, there is a Republican Party, and yes they remain determined to win elections at the expense of the national good, the national best interests.  Theirs is simply a higher calling, answering to an higher authority than god, morality or the American people, they answer to the Lord of election and money.

To be sure the Democrats raise money too, and lately have done quite well even getting some small part from real people in small chunks. True they try,,,usually much more ineptly to win elections.  But no, they do not place that above the good of the country.  The try to make policies to reflect the needs of the people as well as the greed of the business sector.  That balance the people and the greed is vital.  The greed trickles down to a semblance of jobs or incomes for the middle and lower classes. The great siphon of the rich is part of our culture, the ladder to wealth seems to exist for those not born rich.  But the Republicans have sold their souls, they have lost their moral compass.  Now everything is a device for elections and paring money for their people.  Like the war in Iraq, we refused true international cooperation because our goal there was primarily to spend money with friends of the Bush Administration, and we did...probably $200 Billions in profits much to the allies of Bush, it would have been better spent on an American nation that needed so many things [ or am i the only one with bad roads, low employment, industries vanishing, more bad roads- streets too, creaky bridges, an ignored and growing poverty; poor prospects for college grads, broke cities, impoverished states health insurance for those who send their children to die in places like Iraq].  Well a Trillion here a Trillion there, even when you are taking hundreds of thousands of lives, one can wonder what is the also wonders of the benefit, Saddam did not bring down the Towers, and now Iraqis want to enjoy their oil wealth in peace, WITHOUT US unless you want to pay $4.00 a gallon again.
So Republicans, you are lucky to live in a place where people can so easily be led to spite their faces, but you should enjoy your little[virginia /new jersey illusion, I have a feeling they are wise-ing up!