Monday, October 27, 2008


Now I lay me down to blog
another Right Wing failure to flog
but it is is not so satsfying you see
their mistakes come with a heavy fee

and somehow the point of blame is lost
when the least of us must bear the cost
and watch our futures drift out to sea
to fill ambitious eyes in some other country

and weren't these the same oil brained folks
who cracked our heads like eggs and yolks
to make an omelette of a world of pain
and now they've gone and done it again

first New Orleans sunk beneath the sea
then they hanged old Saddam for our security
and the people who really brought towers down
make GOP campaign footage in turbins and frowns

and there we sit naked, befuddled, and not amused
its our own government got us feeling so abused
and now someone inflates bad mortgage debts
walks off with billions of dollars, no regrets

no... those are left for us to hold near broken hearts
where the sun don't shine, just like some other parts
of the anatomy my left foot would like to see
ohhh, don't let this Administration anywhere near me!

I'd forget about rhymes, and niceties
and remember old grey heads, salty seas
and how my only dearly beloved country
became a hog trough for the GOP

oh man...this election is getting to me!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


The collapse of financial institutions and the bailout mean that the deficit may exceed one trillion dollars, which even for an economy as large as the US, is some serious debt. The lack of care in the government under Bush has been matched by the lack of care in private regulation: badly inflated values have come home to stall the markets with uncollectible debt. And while many have walked off with millions, a few with hundreds of millions, the US taxpayer once again pays nearly $700 billion. The Iraq war designed and operated to liberate $Billions for the friends of the political elites has been another success and the taxpayers again have paid.

Now there is continuing discussion of health insurance, and a health provider industry that will not easily accept price control from the government, and people are faced with the prospect of being told the government cannot afford a $30 billion annual expense for universal coverage; and the need to grow new jobs, rebuild aging infrastructure...all potential victims of a budget squeeze between friends in the war business and friends who have performed acts of war on business... I think we are approaching a point in time, when people will no longer accept that their lives are less important than one of the the richest oil producers in the middle east and the world, or billionaire investment people in the the western world; one of those $700 billion payouts could transform life in the United States for the people who pay the bills...IMAGINE THAT... college for anyone who wants to go, medical insurance for all; an effort to train and retrain workers with pay; ...sounds like a reasonable use of a few hundred billion?... and the lessons are out there, by the

Sunday, October 12, 2008

McCain and Pain

the signs of the times...

My eyes have seen the glory of days of sunshine, nights of radiant reflection; and now they see the sprouting lawns of America [those blue signs of HOPE everywhere] a rebirth, a renaissance of a great spirit, and then the music of the splendid scene jerks to a halt...McCain and Paiin....

No, its McCain and Governor what's- her -name...but the point was just so ...poignant

my eyes found truth beneath the advertising...yes, McCain and Pain..the wisdom of myoptic eyes and a brain registering at 50 mph in a 40 mph world. Pain is the insight of this moment, a nation shedding the locked steps of pain and fear, raising eyes and visions above mediocrity ...the fates of the ordinary. A Nation so blessed in bounty, resources and courageous unseemly to be seen hiding in fear, fear of itself...fear of fear...fear for the sake of fear.
Pirates roamed the seas in an earlier age bringing terror and destruction, taking lives for profits. Governments secretly hired them to advance their jealousies and ambitions without showing a true cloth and bones we have a scourge of terror in the world...created by our own hand in Afghan struggles, created by the proliferation of weapons [we have sponsored], created by the inattention to details of government which also show in slow hand reply to hurricane skies, and feebled bridges rusting away in air too full of acid and heat, the partisan starving of our great cities who vote too blue...we have neglected so much...and enriched too few, trickled down wealth and generous takings of the time and precious lives of our young men and women in uniforms of courage and honor...deserving the best we can give in leadership...receiving far, far less...

McCain and Pain, confusion and delusion... a tandem of beasts beneath an undisclosed master it seems...for we simply do not know where they would make war or when ...but the rest, seems assured...

signs sprung on the lawns, naming hope or pawns, choice or dim chance of peace...prosperity awaits the dilligent attention of a people determined to pursue its interests...fairly defined and considerate of other nations, and peoples.
America rises in Autumn this season of Change.

Friday, October 03, 2008

They Just Hit the Iceberg...

I think I hear a band playing...Nearer my God to thee...; and the deck chairs are being rearranged, pretending to give up Michigan, but they really came too close to the ice and ripped a hole below the waterline. All of the compartments are taking on water... they are sinking ... Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Indiana... filling up, falling like dominoes.

This happened in the primaries too, Hillary vs. Obama and it was like an avalanche fell on the opposition... now with so little time before the election, the walls are crumbling for McCain. Last night there was a TV show, and the lesson for America and the world is that no matter who you are, you have to be up to the job- good enough to do what is needed- or people will not give you the job. We saw Senator Biden was up to the job. His many years of service have given him knowledge, his blessings and misfortunes of life have given him wisdom.

We will be fortunate to have him as our next Vice President, and I doubt that he would tell the world that a simply convenient target like Saddam attacked the U.S. in order to arrange a war that feeds billions to his friends in the business world. Seems like this man, Joe Biden has a deep and abiding respect and gratitude for life.

His child serves in the military, when he says the killing in Darfur must be stopped, he understands the risk of our precious assets...our brave young women and men in uniform...he truly knows how precious they are, and how careful we must be when trusted with their well being.

Why the avalanche...well people can see the lack of care and competence on the Republican side, and how much it costs..robbing our future. Losing jobs, energy prices, ... New Orleans and the hurricane...and bailouts for millionaires while poor people die from lack of health care... all over are seeing it; they are saying we have had enough of these pretender Republican governments who play with our emotions while helping rich people play with our money, our careers, our homes, our children's futures...our country.