Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Nation on the Edge

Post trauma, long after the injury, the true effects are realized facing life with new limitations and so a Nation faces future in dire need of leadership and direction, and a reminder of the resilient faith that made it great from its beginning.

A nation borne on backs of misery and misfortune, some have always found great fortune and the dangling possibility of "happiness" has been our sacred touchstone. Now we face self imposed cruelty and ruin...we have ignored our face to smite the ghosts of our enemies, squandered a national treasure in Iraq misadventure; oversaw a civil war not yet ended; and allowed the American middle class - their dreams and security- to be exported to the whim of corporate bottom line.

The middle class in America in in need of careers, futures in business, leadership concerned with their well being. There is a great divide in American politics, the so-called leaders thrive as never before, friends of the leaders thrive on the profits of politically inspired wars, and the middle classes drift into insecurity and dimming prospects... Mr. Obama, if elected, you will have a difficult job, but also the prayers and best hopes of many millions.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

No Democratic Loser on Super Tuesday

Obama blew away the underdog label, and has become the frontrunner for the nomination with Clinton gaining strength from the must wins in NewYork and California... rarely has a Democrat won the modern Presidency without winning both NY and Cal, Obama has shown a nationwide base of strength that has been lacking for nearly two decades...grass roots enthusiasm among young people

... Seduced by the Dark Side have they been...

this amazing contribution to the body politic makes Obama the choice here to be the nominee, positional differences and experience differs little in substance between the two[ sitting Presidents, and Vice Presidents have some claim on job expereince, all others bear a similar risk of becoming puppets of unelected puppetmasters]. The young so vital and so less likely to fall victim to Republican devices...oh like Saddam was behind 9-11... and then WMD in Iraq, and how we are all better off giving up our freedom we are supposedly fighting for...and the world environment...this is going to be an interesting election season...