Friday, February 26, 2010

How's that Change thing workin for ya"

The voice of the Republican party has issued a call that sets the nation where it must truly be--- the election prey of a predator.  It is not a glad moment for me, I love my country... to see it set upon like a flock of sheep:  How's the change thing... the hopes of millions for better health is that change thing, the wishes for a failure that affects survival for many thousands came in the voice of the Grand Old Party...that now seems more like the Old Boy's Party than ever before.  I listened as one of them sat in the White House during the Healthcare Summit and thumbed through a 2700 page bill as if a stage prop which he appeared not to have read and said it would "Bankrupt the country" pay for the healthcare of its citizens...who as we speak are...receiving healthcare - medicare, medicaid, state programs, charitable sponsors- but this man wants us to believe that paying our medical costs will bankrupt us...why? What is bankrupt, like spending more than we have to pay for a pointless war somewhere-- Well, perhaps someone told him to say it, perhaps he earns monetary support by doing so, but that idea of bankruptcy- practical and moral- it did not stop him from helping his government spend a Trillion dollars for a front row seat to the Iraq Civil War.

Such dire, desperate frighten people into believing in failure.

They ask Americans for many things, these people who ridicule the will of the people...they ask for our loyalty, our tax dollars, and when they find a war their supporters like...they ask for the lives of our children; and now they stand and ridicule the ambitions of American people...

I have a feeling in November, there will be a lot of voters eager to show the GOP they like that change thing...the one that they voted for, worked for, prayed for...and now sit and watch them act like predators in the wild, try to take it down.
I think the voters will show they like that change thing...once again.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Taming the Tiger

I think many people expect something more, some have the temerity to criticze...without first baring their own lives to us...we frankly have no way of knowing if a morally worse person is doing the judging...yet they cluck and judge...My view is simple:  I am not the judge of another, and no-one should be so arrogant to self anoint him/herself as the arbiter of human values.

Tiger Woods owes us nothing.

He owes a great deal to his wife, his Mother, his children but that is for him to resolve with those people, if he believes in God he may have a moment ahead of him that will be stunning in comparison to anything he may have experienced, forgiveness is a powerful thing.  But to the public he owes them nothing. 

None of us has a right to believe that we enjoy this man's talent any more or less because of his morals, if we do then we delude ourselves.  We do not know the private lives of public people even as the press and money hungry people try to drag us into it to make what truly can be judged by everyone as morally tawdry money.  But Tiger has given all of us who feed on his exploits, ideate about his even greater potential, more than we have given him, he owes us nothing, no explanation, no apology --no personal reform. 

Look at it this way--- we have recently had a President and Vice President who many believed deliberately misled  this nation into a war in Iraq, where hundreds of thousands died, hundreds of billions of dollars-- of our scarce resources were spent, possibly wasted...truth was owed there, by a leader with a social contract with each of us.  I say save your angst for those men who have perhaps set us on a course for decades of continuous warfare, in a country where public opinion will legally be overwhelmed by billions of dollars from war profits; used  to influence elections to elect more leaders who resort to conflict at the highest costs of life, purposefully moralized truths, and pieces of our national future.

This man, Tiger Woods,  swings golf clubs, wins trophies...he owes us nothing.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Republicans, We All Agree are Experts on Failure...

So they have put their expertise on display, in one year President Obama has failed they say, he has not rescued the economy from the mess Bush made, brought back the millions of jobs lost while Bush spent a trillion dollars in Iraq;  and friends and allies of the Administration reaped hundreds of billions in profits.
 I think any one who listens to them has a memory problem...think of how they treated Americans, would they have spent a trillion on the war on unemployment?  replacing those jobs the Republican establishment exported?  and health insurance is also another way of saying ...lets save the lives of Americans, stressed people who are paying exorbitantly for health insurance, for whom many millions do not have it, without which  many needlessly suffer and die...while the Republicans rake in money--- some  from taxpayer- bailed out industries-- to stop progress so they can win the next election.

Think of Republicans and that New Orleans sank beneath the waves while they sat in the White House figuring out how to blame Democrats and win the next election; think of the Twin Towers and the way they invented the fiction that Saddam did it...Bin Laden was the one they promised to much for keeping sacred promises. Yes, I'm sure there is another profitable war out there somewhere, but the rest of the world and most Americans are enjoying the idea of a year or two of no new wars, and trying to finish off the last ones Republicans have done...we 'd like to keep our children for something better than dying for corporate profits.
Yes, Republicans and Failure...joined at the hip and now dripping from facetious lips... How's that Change thing doin' for us...Sara Palin the palm reader asks? ...

well, it would be better if we had  more concerned leaders in Congress, men and women deeply concerned about the lives of the people...but unfortunately, we still have Republicans instead.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

wait and see if it gets too warm...[a satire]

The advice of the Republican party to America and the world, stop health insurance legislation because it would give people who don't have much money a chance to live longer and healthier lives, and there is no global warming if remedies might interfere at all with any business anywhere; Corporations should be able to give us as much of their money as they wish to aid our campaign to stop the spread of better health, and public control of government, especially the war powers, by real people, instead of corporations.
It all makes sense - stopping health insurance reform really helps the wealthy have and keep an advantage over the poor, they can look down their well paid noses and watch them suffer from things that could easily be cured by a high priced doctor and some high priced pills. It is survival of the credit-fittest.
Global warming, well we all see it -- it is everywhere, science records the data, we see the massive energy of storms that hold so much more water and energy because the air is warmer-[storms that sink low lying cities, snow storms that have record dumps of snow, over again...are you listening in D.C. ???] yet we can wait because we don't have to change yet, we can afford to allow business as usual, don't stress the business world with safer business practices, and wait. Wait until it is too late and then we can pay every nickel we have to get some semblance of our lives back-- like the trillion dollar Iraq war- so many hundreds of billions in profits- will look like a blip on the screen when the cleanup of polluted air, and megatons of heat trapping compounds must be removed; or when artificial foods must replace the missing fish in the oxygen poor oceans, imagine the costs of trying to clone lost diversity back into ocean life food chains.
And those corporations in the war business should be free to spend their past war profits on candidates who will bring the next war, kind of puts war on automatic pilot...and the politicians get to pick whom we fight...maybe, I think some opponents might require a higher level of expenditure, those would be the "A" list wars...yes, this is a one would really do these things...I mean deny global warming just so companies can do business as they please; or elect people who are pro-war just to make more sales of missiles and bombs and guns and uniforms and tanks and planes and jet planes and bombers and ships and submarines and cool camo boots and hats, and bullets and machine guns, and electronics, and tactical computing devices, and infra red goggles, gas masks, and artificial limbs, cool commercials to attract young people to go fight in these wars for fairly low wages, and smart missiles and coffins...

Nope, no one would do that, not even Republicans... this is satire.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

the TP - ing of America

Ok, I feel like the character in the Godfather part 25 or so who says...they keep pulling me back in...
I have been happy being happy lately, pursuing career stuff, but the Tea Party thing...well just when I think I'm out---they pull me back...well in this case they steeped me in a cup of lava.

What is the fastest way back into another trillion dollar war somewhere meaningless to the US and most of the world... or how do you turn a noble cause into a feeding trough for your hog-like appetites of your corporate friends. Corporations are not natural people, but like many natural people they have no apparent conscience, if corporations were people they could be serial suicide terrorists acting for self interest that has been poured into its ear, and without fear of its own demise...because it won't die, just be re-papered. But this is the point we are captives of a war machine here, of an interlocking political and economic force that will now be free to influence the choices on election day, if i were a betting man, I would bet the Hawk over the Dove, with this corporate shove...the voters throats will be stuffed on election day. Well that might solve the unemployment problems for a week or two--the people who go to work to lay the foundation for the next invasion, and maybe all of the slaughter will ease world populations pressures, and who knows maybe another Trillion or so will temporarily appease the beast-- I doubt that, truthfully, since WWII it seems the more we feed it, the more of us it eats...