Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Know-nots and Russia Bots

Trump’s Base has become a famous pun; it would be a belly-shaker were it not so unfortunate and true. There is base behavior, base policy-making, and base appreciation for the American Democracy. This man used a spurious base- real people who prefer to know-not and saboteurs as Russia-Bots. 

The crass manipulation of the public during the campaign was obvious, palpable and it has resulted in a worse reality than the fearful predictions made during the campaign. He continues to mine every opportunity to sow discord among his fellow and sister Americans.

Since the election, the nation has been diminished in international power, isolated economically, in full retreat from world leadership. It has become government by spite-- dedicated to serving the rich and punishing the poor. 

We witness the US Senate- wrestling with whether to take all or mostly all of the social safety net so that billionaires can save billions in tax obligations.  It's as if they don't realize corporate taxation is already among the lowest on earth--and the protections of American military, economy, and civil law are among the best and most comprehensive--- CLEARLY, WORTH PAYING FOR-- CLEARLY, HOW MOST GOT THEIR MONEY IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Hearing His Master’s Voice

RCA used to run a billboard of a dog, head-cocked to one side, sitting next to a large horn speaker.  The caption was:  his Master’s Voice.  There is a growing image now of Trump as hearing a voice and obeying.  He has begun to openly show the soft, pliable relationship with his election-sponsor Vladimir Putin.

The two enemies have met more than our President and our allies. The news of the meeting comes not from the White House and the US press, but from the Russia Media and he Kremlin.  The two will discuss Assad and Syria we are told, and we will have to go to the Kremlin and Russian media to find out what if anything Putin wants us to do.  His Master’s Voice…

Beggar in China

As a youth I saw many disturbing images of poverty in Asia.  Photos of beggars in India and China stay in my mind along with images from the Holocaust. Today, we have an invitation to celebrate a presidential visit to China that was like the old beggars. 

 A lost man seeking alms—was the US President. He was successful, he got the alms—a bunch of repackaged letters of intent worth billions or nothing. The US surrendered economic leadership to China, we WITHDREW FROM THE TPP, which comprises about 40% of the Asia Market—yet, the beggar was pleased with itself—as usual.

There is an investigation underway a long-shot at the truth of the extent of collusion and other criminal activity that took place during the presidential election cycle. Most Americans have serious doubts about the legitimacy of the election, and more are convinced of the solid evidence of Russian interference and Russian criminal activity aimed at damaging our Democratic process.  
The President-Beneficiary of the Russian crimes has informed us—Vladimir said he did not interfere.  We must not believe the 300 million Facebook and Twitter shares of Russian-bot defamation of Clinton—or the efforts to plant fake news.

 Putin has spoken, and the US President listens, believes, as if he hears—HIS MASTER’S VOICE.

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