Saturday, November 16, 2013

at the end of the whip...

So the Biblical wisdom  rings true, sow upon the wind and reap the whirlwind. For me there is another and more apt analogy; at the end of the whip the sting is felt.  For the rest of the world watching Typhoon Haiyan was like the flight of a whip through the air, where the storm struck, its sting has left an indelible scar.  Surrounded by the seas, the seas may never seem the same.

It recalls times in every place when the whip's sting raised anguish.Times when all the things we have made seemed to melt away, and we are like the man who turns to the stone to hide and the stone speaks- there is no hiding place. Since we have fueled the air with carbon and moisture, sown heat and
energy, the whirlwinds are upon  us all.  There is still the persistent myth that Western money, denial, and ignorance will prevail.  In this ignorance then, we wait for the whistle of wind and the sting of the whip....hdm

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