Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Vacant minds....

the government shutdown and default on US debt is based upon it- so it is now the dominant theme in U.S. politics the demonstrated Stupidity of the Republican Party and the presumed stupidity of the American public.  It is important not to underestimate either force- Republicans use Stupidity like the Jedi used the the force.  It is strong within them and they exude it when they act.  It seeps like a low cloud when they fill a room- choking off the air needed for thought. 

They see they world through this cloud and the American people are to believe  that Democratic-led national health care is a national crisis that threatens he future of the country, so much so that Republicans are justified in attacking the national economy.  They see the public as accepting that Democrats have therefore failed to deliver a strong economy and are to blame for the shutdown, the default, and the economic harms of sequester, killing jobs legislation, small business legislation, infrastructure, and the national rail improvement- (can't put all the economic growth they have killed here I would need a new FB page) The question then is how stupid are the American people-  they start with many Caucasian-Americans who want to believe something evil about Obama- Fox News ran a comedy spoof that Obama is paying to keep a Muslim museum open in the Shut down- as a News item,  see  they want to believe anything evil. 

Then there are the Republicans who have decided to do anything, support anything to stop Obama- truly even in the Civil War Era there has not been a political party as destructive as these Republicans  Tea Party- a group of incredible phonies( so many of them actually live on the Government as military retirees, ex-civil servants, teachers  so forth), who claim credit for the blood sacrifices of our Nation's Heroes- yeah, they do, they say the American traditions of freedom are theirs. In summary they posses an over saturation of stupidity- more than a human mind can hold-- I see Donald Trump and I think about the movie  MIB--  aliens inside of stuff...hmmmm

The republicans( no caps  they are no longer a proper noun - just a semi-curse word like...Poop)  believe they can convince Americans that Obama has done all of these tings: damaged our Nation's credit, damaged our military, brought on the debt of the last 60 years of warring around the world for profits-- ye, and they are right, most Americans are inclined to believe all or part of it--- like those poled during the campaign who felt Mitt Romney deserved credit for killing Bin laden--- ahh thank you Fox News -- you keep us so well informed.

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