Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Brasil Continua Marchando! ( Brazil Marches On!)

 There is a lesson to be learned both in Brazil and in the USA: when leaders are well fed and the people are hungry, the government must be changed.  Here, and in Brazil, we have fat well fed leaders who watch or actively take part in making things worse for the poor.  The answer is to change government.  In Brazil the first challenge of the people has made the government stand still, but government actions so far are small and filled with illusions.

os ricos não precisam sonhar - eles têm;
os pobres não têm nada, mas seus sonhos

the rich do not need to dream--they have;
the poor have nothing but their dreams

The people in Brazil understand this and while the numbers of demonstrators has grown smaller, the anger and determination seems to have grown stronger. The government has time in this pause to come forward with actions to do what is needed: to spend on the neighborhoods that need streets and sanitation. To start making jobs for the people to do the work the people need.  To stop spending public monies to impress the world with marvelous architecture- when there are not enough schools and teachers do not get a living wage.  Healthcare has no better time than now for immediate action- every day costs something that cannot be remade- human suffering.
The time for progress is at hand, if the government delays or tries to use empty promises, they will have their hands full of public anger and refusals to allow things to go on as usual.  Strikes and deep interruptions will make the country unbearable- even for the rich. There is no comfort when there is no peace.

existe um caminho para a justiça e um caminho para a ruína.
Justiça é a que sobe o morro, é
a escalada mais difícil - o único caminho para o topo

there is a path to justice and a path to ruin.
Justice is the one that goes up the hill; it is
the hard climb-- the only way to the top

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