Thursday, January 10, 2013

guns, guns, and more guns (part satire, but frankly it hurts too much to laugh)

I am watching the heads of the NRA( press event) talk about the need for more guns now in our schools because their members, gun makers, wish to continue to supply machine guns to lunatics in America--ahh I suspect that may be a deep splinter-ed group of the gun lobby- Lof A  Lunatics of America nooo excuse me  the Heavily Armed Flaming-Lunatics of America Secret Society  or HALF-ASS ( I know they are a little off in grammar too).

 Now it appears there has been an unstated partnership between the lunatics and the NRA:  the lunatics supply an unlimited amount of hatred,violence and Batshit crazy and the NRA provides advanced weaponry, ammunition, and a political fog through which no one can proceed to cut off the machine guns and the ammo. The political fog is a work of political art.  They took down one Maryland Senate candidate way back when  - an early gun opponent- and the legend has grown to the point of invincibility.  It is a big business but it is not like oil or food or clean water-- it is manageable,  not too big for government.  It's not like we could not live without it-- imagine the fright and panic-- a gun shortage-- lines two blocks long at Walmart for ammo---Huge black white market for used bullets!!!

Now,  supply and demand is an American tradition.  There is a demand by the  lunatics, we supply the victims- young, old, movie goers, pedestrians on NY City streets.  Now what the NRA proposes is to add the possibility of a crossfire to the equation- that spontaneous evil would be met by planned good and in the shoot out, we can also become collateral damage.  That would be progress, I mean we are probably falling behind the war-lord zones in Ethiopia, the child soldier zones in Africa or Taliban zones in  Afghanistan; we are in peril of losing the number one rank in danger per square inch of life-- so we may need to accelerate the rate of destruction in order to keep up, so the NRA says it is the one to acept the challenge- put guns in every school.

The NRA for their part is ready for their vision of America to become reality.  There will be no thought of say- limiting advanced weaponry from future sales-- no more assault rifles from Walmart, or On-line;  no ban on sales to certified homicidal maniacs ( after all they too have a need for protection say...from assault by police officers)

Life in America, a perfect storm of legislatively protected gunfire-- ahh  so we can all  love the smell of gunpowder in the morning-- will it remind us of freedom ? I dunno, I think there are at least a few other Americans who don't believe the Constitution guarantees us the right to death by gunshot...hdm

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