Friday, December 02, 2011

the real Job Creators

I hear Republicans,  Speaker Boehner in particular, speak of the need to give more resources to "job creators" lower taxes, freedom from necessary rules(my God look at what they have done to our chickens!).  By this they mean major Corporations and medium to large businesses across the U.S.  But they are wrong, these are definitely not the job creators in the U.S. economy.  It is as plain as Pinocchio's nose when he answers hard questions, corporations take far more than they give, it is what they do- the reason or purpose for their existence to create profits.  Corporations use public resources as if they were business lunches.  Privilege after privilege rests in their hands. They get to pretty much determine if, when, and how much they will pay in taxes. Have free reign to arrange books and records, freely send whole industries abroad and still are able to sell those products here as if they were made here with American workers.  No the real job creators are consumers. Those of us who go to stores and Internet and buy things.  We create jobs.  We create demand for products, goods and services which are met by business to a better or worse degree.  Businesses- well they hire people and pay wages from--the money we consumers spend.  They hire as few people as the can- and for some weird reason, most Americans agree with that, even when it means that companies are understaffed, replace full time experienced workers with casual part time employees, and lower wages- which as we all know reduces jobs because we consumers don't have as much money to spend.
So the President has it right, this is the time to spend money on infrastructure, build railroads, fix bridges, as many things as we can to employ people. We should take risks to see if we can ignite a solar energy boom, or spark green products, renewable energy devices.  Big oil drains us- charging more and more for the privilege to poison our air, the oil by the way is free when taken from the ground.  The idea to get the economy moving and sustained is to increase jobs by putting more money in the hands of us-- consumers, savers, new car buyers, home buyers, clothes buyers, electronics buyers-- us, the JOB CREATORS of America.

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