Tuesday, November 11, 2008

President Obama...
has a nice ring to it, here he will often be known as Mr. President when I am feeling respectful...Bara-ocky when the mood calls for humor or A - dri- enne!!!...and speaking of smiles, there are these odd looks on faces these days...mention the word President and so many people start to smile...a remarkable phenomenon...hero worship of a politician; little boy..don't you want to grow up to be smart like the President?...been a while since i heard that...since i was a boy...[and your gasoline was still alive breathing walkin' around bitin' stuff]

A leader that makes us anticipate tomorrow with a sense of positive expectation. Confidence is a big part of things..on the day after the terror attacks people turned to President Bush with adoration and respect...he wore that out in no time with a war for the convenience of his friends while the real bad guys are still on the loose...remember the colors of fear...chartreuse alert...hide the small children and savings bonds!!!
President Obama you have an act to follow, and no matter what you do from now on..you have already exceeded the productivity if the Bush second term...you made America smile...with pride...Thank you!!!

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