Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Dead Sea Strolls

There is something wrong with a picture of the coasts of the US, covered with areas of dead water...hypoxia waters ...fancy words for not enough air for fish to breathe... and the solution is to blow bubbles... yes someone has thought of aerating the Chesapeake Bay or the the Mississippi Delta, seems a big storm or Katrina and the one that came soon after solved it there...stirred up the waters to a normal balance for a while...but heavy rains also produce more runoffs from fertilizers and the cars we drive... and speaking of agriculture... now we have to drive the food we grow too, ethanol from corn, oil as the base for the fertilizers ...hmmm...then there is this whole tendency to hide the truth, the big storms won't save us, and are not supposed to... not from automobile exhaust and exhausted soils with too much fertilizer, and fertilzer runs into streams, rivers to the seas; and what about the price of food, going even higher if we deplete seafood and fish by using overpriced fossil fuel to fertilize land to make fuel... because fossil fuels are too pricey...hmmm. You know, this would all be really funny; if it weren't happening...yesterday....

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