Sunday, July 13, 2008

Soft news day....

Yes, it will be said SENATOR McCain has more experience and more time has been available to observe his character and ability; that is also the biggest problem with McCain...time has not been an ally - when simple questions turn into looooong pauses without answer, like that thing about health care equity: Viagra "yes", birth control pills for women "no" ...and the answer was...................[well this is a blog i can't possibly pause as long as he did, I will lose all my clicks and wind up with a non profit blog simply here for the use of space]...speaking of cyberspace, it is so important these days, even more so since gasoline prices threaten to empty our highways and strip malls on major traffic areas will be stripped of vendors; the economy has some structural weakness now that we have abandoned economic policy completely to the greed of oil companies; so Internet access and free navigation of the web takes on a fundamental role like freedom to travel. Companies seek to control more and more of the net activity, and Republicans wish to help...web discrimination, pay for better treatment than those who don't pay, how simply "Republican"; kind of like let's run a war with public money and pay two hundred billion in profits to people who would not be caught in a uniform, nor their families, nor their children, children's children...war industry owners and stockholders - mandarins of a puny day [ I like that word "mandarin" for fat-cat rich people], many wealthy people work for peace and brotherhood, one hopes, prays, may God continue to Bless them...

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