Friday, September 20, 2013

The Squeaker of the House

( satire and humor except for the parts about Republicans- that is my characteristic understatement for comedic effect)

The GOP chided ( weird word) the President for negotiating with Putin rather than Republicans-- but something important was forgotten- the Russians are far less a threat to the US than the Republicans. The Repubulicans have shown that they are willing and able to inflict deep wounds to the body politic. Russia on the other hand, values us as a trade partner and while they have nuclear missiles pointed at us, their destructive power is not as great as the Republicans. The GOP would take us all out-- Republicans now campaign to convince young people NOT TO HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE- not to detect the illnesses that will later shorten their lives-- see, that is an attempt to destroy our young people. Then, of course, they have blocked millions of new jobs- that also is a need of our young- careers and jobs. Finally, the GOP will throw the entire global economy into recession by dishonoring US debts-- because they are unhappy that a democratic American majority (1) elected a Black man; and (2) chose to have longer healthier lives( Obamacare) - (i debated for an hour which was more offensive to them, I tossed a coin it came down on its edge- it mocked me!)
Yes we have a "leader" of the GOP in Congress, I remember when that Office was filled with accomplishments- that made life better for the Nation- Tip O'Neill, Sam Rayburn-- I will remember the current Speaker as a Squeaker - a little furry mouse of a man. A tool for a few business interests who sits and spits the word debt- like we don't know its OUR money, its OUR debt, and God-dammit- We want to use it to make jobs and a better life here - aaahhhhmeeeii! there goes my vow - I promised God i would not curse-- but then again She understands, she has a nose too - and the stench from Washington, goes all the way up to where it can't go --no more... :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

War, Peace...and Idiots

There is a crisis of conscience in America.  We have seen the place of innocents and children in the calculus of power in Syria, hence the rest of the world. Lifeless children, the most compelling circumstance.  It is a sobering moment when we allow ourselves to feel what humans mus-- the need to protect our children It is a choice that comes only because we have the power to act.
It does not really matter whether we send missiles of troops because the idea is to communicate an idea...that the world as we know it will not stand idle while a government slaughters innocent people who disagree, who seek a different form of freedom. It matters that we are willing to consider putting our children- our brave men and women in uniform - in harm;s way.  They understand their business is killing but it is killing provoked by an attack, self defense OR THE DEFENSE OF HELPLESS OTHERS.
So we are at a crossroad, not just for this moment but for this age, when we raise the tolerance of the world against evil. Done not for money, as the case in the fraudulent  build up to the war in Iraq, but for love of life.  The miracle we can neither create nor restore. Then there are the idiots-- the Republicans, Cruz and the scourges of Kentucky...the idiocy of shutting down the government.  There are things in the world far greater than the idiotic fixations of Tea Party fantasists, matters of survival. Yet, we are here in the company of the art of shortsighted corruption, there is evil in the world, terrorists and Republicans