Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Election Day is a time to learn

sometimes the lessons are difficult and bitter, sometimes the sweet feeling is a very misleading sugar coating on a hard medicine inside.  This election day is about change and the opposite reaction to change---resistance.  I have read so many( and I think-- wrong headed) reports of the Tea Party movement and its power, I think it will be seen now and in November, that the Tea Party will affect one party more than another, because it borrows from the same bank of resistance as the Republican Party.
American voted for change in the society when electing President Obama, some opposed him then and now.  They have formed and reformed into a movement that is being led by ideals that seem more like a jingo--taking back our Government/ too big government/ socialist government.  They are a grass roots movement and have an internal structure of leadership that seems newly created and genuine.

Yet their spokespersons, the people who stand before the cameras, the candidates-- are people like Sara Palin, or Dr. Paul, the son of a Republican Congressman, who says he is an outsider to Washington... there is every appearance of a hijack of the energy of governmental resistance by people who are traditional, insiders, and have no real connection to reform of government.

I think the Tea Party will grow, gather more funds, and might eventually become allied with the flood of corporation monies that are now allowed by our Supreme Court's incredible decision  in the Citizens v. FEC case.  It may become a 3rd party that will consume a major party at least in some areas of the country and at least in some elections.  It is anathema to modern ideas of government- global government, the corporate world for which national boundaries are merely a fact of doing business.

I think there is a balance that has been lost in America-  so much acceptance of global factors, so much accommodation of external interests.  The Tea Party movement reminds that domestic populations, their aspirations and goals, have a priority at least as important as foreign corporations.  The Obama Administration has taken a quantum leap in that direction, and much as anything... has inspired the strength of dissent, that so much change has come...proves that change can come.

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