Friday, February 26, 2010

How's that Change thing workin for ya"

The voice of the Republican party has issued a call that sets the nation where it must truly be--- the election prey of a predator.  It is not a glad moment for me, I love my country... to see it set upon like a flock of sheep:  How's the change thing... the hopes of millions for better health is that change thing, the wishes for a failure that affects survival for many thousands came in the voice of the Grand Old Party...that now seems more like the Old Boy's Party than ever before.  I listened as one of them sat in the White House during the Healthcare Summit and thumbed through a 2700 page bill as if a stage prop which he appeared not to have read and said it would "Bankrupt the country" pay for the healthcare of its citizens...who as we speak are...receiving healthcare - medicare, medicaid, state programs, charitable sponsors- but this man wants us to believe that paying our medical costs will bankrupt us...why? What is bankrupt, like spending more than we have to pay for a pointless war somewhere-- Well, perhaps someone told him to say it, perhaps he earns monetary support by doing so, but that idea of bankruptcy- practical and moral- it did not stop him from helping his government spend a Trillion dollars for a front row seat to the Iraq Civil War.

Such dire, desperate frighten people into believing in failure.

They ask Americans for many things, these people who ridicule the will of the people...they ask for our loyalty, our tax dollars, and when they find a war their supporters like...they ask for the lives of our children; and now they stand and ridicule the ambitions of American people...

I have a feeling in November, there will be a lot of voters eager to show the GOP they like that change thing...the one that they voted for, worked for, prayed for...and now sit and watch them act like predators in the wild, try to take it down.
I think the voters will show they like that change thing...once again.

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