Friday, November 21, 2008


Cabinet maker choose fine wood for their craft, then work it until smooth and appealing to the eyes.  The design is for the eye but also for the utility of the thing.  Cabinets that don't serve a purpose well wind up on the scrap heap of things...grown useless and replaced by more functional models.

The real President,  Pres.- elect Obama seems to have learned his craft well.  A very deliberate design so far but one aimed to carry the weight of the heavy work ahead.  A nation has become accustomed to the Presidency as a place where progress stops.  Six years ago, General Motors introduced a hydrogen powered car, put a gas pump at 2nd and Mass. Ave near the Senate Office Buildings for the fleet of cars to be fueled by the Congress Members who were given these prototype cars.  They looked like a dream come true...roomy and full powered vehicles running on Hydrogen gas...the most abundant element in the universe.. maybe...but certainly cheap and pretty much's molecules are in every drop of water by the millions...but Republican Party theology said to put the hydrogen car off until the Gasoline boys were ready to set up a supply chain...we would look at it again in fifteen years... and yesterday, hat in hand...fresh from making millions of gas guzzling SUV and trucks, thousands of dreamy car ads for ridiculously low mile per gallon vehicles...fresh off their fleet of private corporate jets...asking the Republicans in Congress and the White House to give 50 Billion or so to keep the companies afloat... hmmm i would say...maybe you should have built that hydrogen car, at least we'd have a reason to hope that American automakers  are at least considering the welfare of their workers, suppliers, customers, and the whole air breathing world out there... AMAZING...

So as the real President plans a Cabinet for a real government, the old phonies keep making real problems....

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