There is another Bee story, an imaginary Bee the Bee Ambassador- goes to Washington D.C. to Plead for the Bee-nation because it is dying. The latest wave of herbicides and pesticides is killing them off- half the bees in commercial beehives died over the winter- the Ambassador warned sternly- soon you will be a nation without Pollination. Your food will be in shortages and only the rich will be able to buy ordinary fruits and vegetables, hunger will rise and starvation too, soon you may fear that so any people will perish from hunger.The Powers that BEE
(Satire because if i just get pissed off and start to rant it is not nearly as entertaining...;))
Ever wonder who benefits from the House majority that was purchased in 2010 by US Businesses? I mean they don't do anything except try to make the economy sick so that idiot American voters will blame some one who tried to help them. Who benefits from a dead hand government? Wellllll there is a LOOOOOOONNNGG list. Near the top is Insurance- their strangle hold on the US economy increases in every sphere except Derivatives Trading. Near the top AGRIBUSINESS because they are in the process of using the worlds population bomb to move food production to politically friendly places like China and India and to turn on the chemical farming taps to full flow. Yes they want to chemical fertilize, then chemically herbicide, after planting to chemically pesticide, Before planting to chemically modify the plant seed itself so that it contains pesticides- such as chemicals which make insect larvae never mature.
Soon all foods might be GMO foods, tasteless bounty that id eaten long enough might make us glow in the Friggin Dark!!!! But to the insects in the ground and air, the honey bees-- it is a death sentence and soon we will need a chemical solution for pollination- but for ow the solution to huge profits from food production is in POLI-nation- the country shaped by industries that want to change the world as we know it, without us knowing it- and overseen by a Government that has been Hog-tied and pistol whipped-- ahh sorry NRA - I know- guns don't whip people, Fuckin Republicans whip people...ahhhhmeii!